The Harrison Ford Blogathon Has Arrvied!

The Harrison Ford Blogathon has arrived! A big thank you to everyone who took part. We look forward to reading your entries. Please check back over the next three days as I will be updating the blogathon as participants post their entries.

Please be sure to leave comments on the participant’s blogs. I’m sure they will enjoy the feedback!


The Entries (In Alphabetical Order):

Silver Screenings: American Graffiti (1973)

Sat In Your Lap: The Conversation (1974)

Dubsisism: The Conversation (1974)

The Midnite Drive-In: Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

Hamlette’s Soliloquy: The Fugitive (1993)

Movies Meet Their Match: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

coffee, classics & craziness: Regarding Henry (1991)

movierob: A Time For Killing (1967), The Mosquito Coast (1986) & Crossing Over (2009)

johnrieber: Working Girl (1988)

Announcing The Harrison Ford Blogathon!


-For this blogathon please write about any film or TV show starring Harrison Ford or any topic related to the man himself. You must choose, but choose wisely!

-Entries don’t have to be just written blog posts. Videos, podcasts or whatever medium you desire for your entry will be accepted.

-No more than two duplicates of any film or TV show will be allowed.

-Add your Twitter handle so I can promote your post.

-You cannot post previously published material.

-To participate please comment along with the URL and name of your blog, and the subject you wish to cover of course. Or if you desire you can email the same details to me via

-Once your topic is approved please take one of the banners below and add it to your blog.

-A full list of the entries will be posted on a separate page which will be active once the blogathon date arrives.

Date: February 27th – 29th, 2020. Please submit your entries on these dates. I look forward to you joining in February!

HF 1

HF 2


The Roster:

Sat In Your Lap: The Conversation (1974)

Silver Screenings: American Graffiti (1973)

movierob: A Time For Killing (1967), The Mosquito Coast (1986) & Crossing Over (2009)

johnrieber: Working Girl (1988)

Dubsisism: The Conversation (1974)

Hamlette’s Soliloquy: The Fugitive (1993)

The Midnite Drive-In: Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

coffee, classics & craziness: Regarding Henry (1991)

Movies Meet Their Match: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)